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Emergency Closings

Policy No.: 8-2 This policy applies to:
Policy Name: Emergency Closings

Non-exempt staff
Effective Date: 08/01/04  

Exempt staff
Revised:     Faculty


Loyola University New Orleans makes every attempt to assure to safety of the Loyola community. At times emergencies such as severe weather, fires, power failures or other unexpected events can disrupt University operations. In extreme cases, these circumstances may require the closing of a work facility.

For information concerning pay for non-exempt employees who are required to report while the University is officially closed, see Policy 3-12, Emergency Closing Pay.


The decision to close a facility and/or cancel classes as well as all official communications will be made by the Emergency Preparedness Committee and will be communicated by the Vice President for Student Affairs. In the event that such an emergency occurs during non-working hours, local radio and/or television stations will be asked to broadcast notification of the closing, and updated information will be placed on the University website, The phone number to get official information about emergency closing is 865-2186.