Employee Accidents
Policy No.: | 8-9 | This policy applies to: | |
Policy Name: | Employee Accidents |
Non-exempt staff |
Effective Date: | 08/01/04 |
Exempt staff |
Revised: | 07/20/16 |
Faculty |
Loyola University New Orleans employees who incur bona fide occupational related injuries or illnesses shall be entitled to all necessary medical and hospital care. Supervisors and injured employees are responsible for promptly reporting accidents. Information on employee’s rights and responsibilities under worker’s compensation can be found in the Resources section of the Risk Management website.
If you are hurt at work or become ill because of what you think is a work-related exposure:
a) Seek first aid and medical attention. Employees can access a directory of clinics and physicians and learn more about worker’s compensation benefits here- www.lwcc.com/Workers/Benefits-Claims.
b) Immediately or as soon as practical report your accident or illness to your supervisor.
c) Complete an Accident Report and forward to Risk Management. The accident report can be found on the Risk Management website.
An injured employee must ensure the appropriate documentation and medical information is provided to the University. Forms for reporting accidents/incident are located on the Risk Management website. Injured employees must obtain, complete and return this form to Risk Management within 24 hours of their injury. If the employee is unable to comply, the employee’s supervisor will be responsible for completing the form on the employee’s behalf.
Supervisors must also complete a Supervisor’s Accident Report and submit it to the Risk Management office within 24 hours of the accident. If there are any continuing risks of harm, Risk Management should be notified immediately. Notify University Police if after business hours.
Supervisors must also notify Human Resources - Payroll and Benefits - when an employee is missing work due to a work related injury to ensure proper handling of employee wages and benefits. For information on pay during a work-related absence, see Workers’ Compensation Policy.
Medical Treatment Procedure
All employees needing medical treatment for work-related injuries or illnesses should report to to an urgent care facility, qualified physician or emergency room, which will refer the employee for further care if appropriate. If life-threatening circumstances occur, the University Police should be called at extension 3434 who will contact the appropriate personnel and paramedics. When seeking medical care, injured employees should identify themselves as Loyola University employees with occupational injuries.