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Vaccination Status Policy (COVID)

Policy No.: 8-16 This policy applies to:
Policy Name: Vaccination Status Policy (COVID)

Non-exempt staff
Effective Date: 07/20/21

Exempt staff



The university strongly encourages all employees to be vaccinated to help ensure a safe and healthy workplace for the university community. While generally most vaccination statuses would not be reported, in the case of an epidemic or pandemic where the need to ensure a safe and healthy workplace requires enhanced vigilance for our community, employees can be required to report specific vaccination information.

Vaccination status will not exempt employees from adhering to all health and safety requirements and guidelines in the workplace regardless of their own or others vaccination status. Employees must refrain from asking coworkers and/or subordinates about their vaccination status in the workplace. Employees will not be treated differently in the workplace based on whether or not they choose to disclose their vaccination status outside of required reporting processes.


Employees are required to report their COVID-19 vaccination status to the Public Health Coordinator at the time the policy is effective or when employment begins. Any change in status must be reported to the Public Health Coordinator within one week of the status change.
