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Workplace Safety

Policy No.: 8-1 This policy applies to:
Policy Name: Workplace Safety

Non-exempt staff
Effective Date: 08/01/04

Exempt staff



To assist in providing a safe and healthful work environment for employees, customers, and visitors, Loyola University New Orleans has established a workplace safety program. Its success depends on the alertness and personal commitment of all. Keeping the University campus safe and secure is a continuing partnership between the Department of Public Safety, the Physical Plant Department, the Office of Risk Management and all those who live, work and study at Loyola.

The team concept of safety requires everyone to share both rights and responsibilities. All students, faculty, and staff should use good judgment and common sense in choosing the places they go, how they get there, and the times they visit those places. They should also take precautions to protect their valuables in their offices and cars. Offices should be locked whenever unattended, and valuables should be kept in a secure place such as a locked desk or filing cabinet. Cars should be locked and valuables should be placed out of view. Emergency phones are located throughout the campus and can be used at any time, day or night, to obtain assistance. Employees should become familiar with the location of these phones at their earliest convenience. Employees have the primary responsibility for protecting their personal property. The University's insurance does not cover personal property, and there is no institutional liability should the items be stolen or misplaced.


Loyola University provides information to employees about workplace safety and health issues through regular internal communication channels such as supervisor-employee meetings, bulletin board postings, memos, the web or other written communications.

Each employee is expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities. Employees must immediately report any unsafe condition to the appropriate supervisor. Each employee is responsible for becoming familiar with the University’s Health and Safety Plan. The health and safety plan contains procedures to follow in specific emergency situations such as fire, bomb threats, etc. Employees who violate safety standards, who cause hazardous or dangerous situations, or who fail to report or, where appropriate, remedy such situations, may be subject to disciplinary action.