Post-Issuance Tax-Exempt Bond Compliance
The Post-Issuance Tax-exempt Bond Compliance policy sets forth the University’s methodology for ensuring continued post-issuance compliance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements pertaining to tax-exempt bonds (TEBs). This policy only applies to Loyola University facilities that are tax-exempt financed.
TEBs are debt obligations, the proceeds of which are used by the University to finance the construction of all or a portion of its facilities. The obligation to maintain the tax-exempt status of the TEBs remains throughout the life of the bonds. However, this status can be lost if certain applicable federal income tax requirements are not satisfied during the entire period the TEBs are outstanding.
Post-issuance tax compliance begins with the debt issuance process itself and provides for a continuing focus on investments of debt proceeds and use of debt-financed property. Post-issuance compliance responsibilities include:
- Tracking bond proceeds spending for qualified purposes;
- Maintaining detailed records of the expenditure and investment of the proceeds of the TEBs;
- Ensuring the project financing is used in a manner consistent with the federal income tax requirements; and
- Providing necessary disclosure information regarding financial and operating status.
For additional information regarding tax-exempt bond compliance, please download the comprehensive Post-Issuance Tax-Exempt Bond Compliance Policy (.pdf).