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About Risk Management

Risk Management at Loyola is a function of the Office of Finance and Administration. Our mission is to protect all University financial, human, and physical resources from loss.  We utilize various types of insurance, legal analysis, and risk reduction methods.  Essentially, the Risk Management Office exists to centralize efforts to control the University's losses from unforeseen events.

Risk Management has traditionally been concerned with protecting life and property through various accident prevention programs, the transfer of risks through the purchase of insurance, and other mechanisms for limiting or preventing losses.

Our current definition of risk is: "Any issue that negatively affects an organization's ability to meet its objectives." Our job is to assist Loyola in managing those issues.  Largely, the Risk Management Office's role is advisory and consultative. Every employee and student of Loyola manages risks every day. It is our role to help them with identifying, understanding, and managing those risks.  Our door is always open, please contact us whenever you have a question or concern.

Find out more about Risk Management’s Code of Ethics